At a Glance
Duration: 4 minutes 4 seconds
Look Out For: intentionally scary theming, sensory overload, and motion sickness as well as very in-your-face animatronics including a dragon, Dementors, spiders, and a Whomping Willow
Opening on June 18th, 2010, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey is a one-of-a-kind flight through the world of Harry Potter. But how scary is Forbidden Journey? Let’s take a look at the stats:

1. Ride Length
Forbidden Journey has a ride duration of 4 minutes and 4 seconds. However, you can expect a few extra seconds in the ride vehicle due to slight delays with loading and unloading.
2. Height Requirement and Warnings
Forbidden Journey has a height requirement of 48 inches. In addition, Universal also warns against heart conditions or abnormal blood pressure, back or neck problems, expectant mothers, or those sensitive to motion sickness, fear of heights, strobe lights, or fog effects.
3. Ride Vehicles and Restraints
The Forbidden Journey ride vehicles consist of individual cars attached to a robotic arm – each seating 4 guests side by side. Each rider gets their own overhead harness, which comes in handy with the dynamic motion of this attraction.
4. How Does Forbidden Journey Work?
Forbidden Journey works by moving its riders through the show scenes, all while attached to a robotic arm that provides a swinging, diving, and flying motion to simulate soaring over Hogwarts. Much like Disney rides like the Haunted Mansion, the entire ride is on a moving belt, and you’ll board the ride in much the same way. The attraction then alternates between fully on-screen sections (made very seamless and immersive by the screens surrounding your ride vehicle entirely) as well as practical sets involving some pretty in-your-face animatronic beasties. In addition, this ride makes use of many practical 4D effects like smoke, strobing lights, and simulated dragon fire.

5. Is Forbidden Journey Scary?
Forbidden Journey is definitely scary. Much like Escape from Gringotts, this attraction features many intense and perilous situations (like you might find in any Harry Potter movie). On top of that, the attraction involves some pretty thrilling motion thanks to the dynamic movement of the robotic arm controlling your ride vehicle. While it never goes fully upside down, you can expect to dive far enough to find yourself parallel to the ground or essentially facing the ceiling.
Aside from the innovative ride system, this attraction is also filled to the brim with sensory overload. This includes very loud noises, flashing lights, smoke effects, simulated dragon fire, ominous music and sound design, as well as extremely up-close-and personal animatronic beasties. Because of the ride’s design, you’re able to get pretty darn close to the ride’s massive Dementors and spiders as well as a huge dragon and whomping willow.
These immersive effects will be awe-inspiring to some, but could be terrifying to those easily frightened or prone to sensory sensitivity in any way. I, personally, think this ride is incredible, but I would hesitate to recommend it to all riders.
6. How High is Forbidden Journey?
Forbidden Journey does involve some heights. While most riders with a fear of heights might be bothered by the simulated flight, the robotic arm does technically lift you an estimated 15 feet above ground. However, with the darkness, wrap-around screens, and other immersive effects surrounding you at all times, you would never know it.
The simulated flight, however, is an entirely different ball game. Along your journey, you’ll find yourself soaring through Quidditch fields and around the magical grounds of Hogwarts. Much like Disney’s flight simulators like Soarin’ in Epcot or Flight of Passage in Animal Kingdom, the immersive effects might be enough to make you queasy. If you had trouble on other, similar rides, I would certainly think twice before hopping on this one.
7. How Fast is Forbidden Journey?
Forbidden Journey does not technically go fast. This ride simulates soaring over the Hogwarts landscape at a thrilling speed. While you’re not actually flying, the illusion is very convincing thanks to this attraction’s innovative robotic arm swinging you up and down through the immersive scenes.
8. Does Forbidden Journey Have Drops?
Forbidden Journey does not technically have drops like a roller coaster. However, the simulated movement on-screen certainly involves some pretty thrilling antics – including several dives downward. In addition, the robotic arm provides a much more thrilling ride than any flight simulator you’d find at Disney. While not a thrill ride by name, you can definitely expect some stomach-in-your-throat moments throughout the attraction.
9. Does Forbidden Journey Cause Motion Sickness?
Forbidden Journey will definitely cause motion sickness for many riders. With it’s disorienting motion, rushing visuals, and fast-paced storyline, this attraction poses a problem for many guests in the motion sickness department. While not an outright simulator, this ride has many elements that could make you feel more than a bit queasy at times.
10. Is Forbidden Journey Claustrophobic?
Forbidden Journey could definitely feel claustrophobic for some riders. Despite its fairly average run time and quick pacing, many guests may be unsettled by the overhead harness or by the ride vehicles themselves. With the ride system relying on its robotic arm, you will essentially be lifted from the track and swung through the show scenes. While not being able to see the track around you may be uncomfortable to some, rest assured that it’s right below you at all times.
In addition to the ride itself, the queue for this attraction could also pose a problem to those prone to claustrophobia. While many of the rooms and hallways are pretty spacious, there are certainly times that the queue can feel confining, closed-off, and disorienting to some.
11. Are There Animatronics on Forbidden Journey?
There are several large and imposing animatronics on Forbidden Journey. While many attractions feature animatronic characters, this ride really gets you up-close-and-personal with its beasties and baddies. As I mentioned before, the Dementors, spiders, and dragon are all massive in their own right – but the robotic arm swings you right up to them in a way that could be jarring for a lot of riders.

Forbidden Journey Queue Walkthrough
The queue entrance is located outside in the Hogsmeade area of Islands of Adventure. As you approach Hogwarts Castle, you’ll briefly enter the building and wind through a cavernous stone room. From there, you’ll find yourself back outside and enter into a covered Herbology area. After winding through the greenhouse-like section surrounded by plants and other props, you’ll be directed back inside the castle itself.
You’ll follow a long stone hallway lined with statues and other theming representing the four Hogwarts houses. From there, you’ll find yourself in a large corridor filled with living portraits that move and talk to each other as you pass beneath them.
Then, you’ll find yourself in Dumbledore’s office and briefly encounter the headmaster himself before entering a classroom and finding Harry, Ron, and Hermione waiting for you (all on screen). They’ll quickly prep you for your adventure before you move along in the queue. You’ll follow a series of corridors lined with more living portraits before finally arriving at the loading station.
Forbidden Journey Ride Walkthrough
As the ride sets off, you’ll encounter a blast of green magic and find yourself flying. Harry and Ron meet you as you soar over the turrets of Hogwarts. After a few dips and dives, you’ll come face to face with Hagrid who asks if you’ve seen his lost dragon. The big beastie promptly appears on screen and you’re able to evade him for a while – only for him to appear right in front of you, breathing fire.
You’ll zoom quickly to the left and find yourself in a practical set instead of a screen, flying past burning embers and wreckage before facing the huge dragon (an animatronic this time). He “breathes fire” at you before you fly quickly away and into the lair of a massive spider. Just when you think you’ve seen the biggest spider on earth, you’ll soar to the left to find an even bigger one, hissing as you fly past. After a few more evasive maneuvers in the spider’s lair, you’ll fly right into a Whomping Willow and duck out of the way as it swings at you.
You’ll suddenly find yourself in the middle of a Quidditch match, following Harry and the golden snitch before Dementors descend upon the scene. Diving into the darkness, you’ll come face to face with another practical set and evade the giant animatronic Dementors pursuing you. Harry once again comes to the rescue, blasting them away with his Patronus charm.
Facing the screen again, you’ll narrowly avoid being crushed by a collapsing cave but follow Harry out into safety. You’ll dive down towards the water and soar towards Hogwarts. Once inside, you’ll be greeted by students and professors alike before making your way back to the loading station.
That’s it! Remember, everyone’s riding experience is a little bit different and only you can decide whether to hop on that ride vehicle or not. I just hope this guide helps you be prepared and enjoy every second of your Universal experience!
So what do you think? How scary is Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey? Leave a comment to help keep this guide up to date!
For a full visual of the ride and queue, be sure to check out this video from Universal Parks News Today: