At a Glance
Duration: 4 minutes, 40 seconds
Look Out For: high speeds and moderate peril
Opening on March 17, 1999, Test Track is an innovative thrill ride that puts you behind the wheel of a test vehicle. But how scary is Test Track? Let’s take a look at the ratings:

1. Ride Length
Test Track has a ride duration of 4 minutes and 40 seconds. However, this does not include any time before the seatbelt check or waiting for the vehicles to unload in front of you – which could add a couple of minutes to your ride experience.
2. Height Requirement and Warnings
Test Track has a height requirement of 40 inches. For reference, this is the same restriction you’ll find at Tower of Terror in Hollywood Studios and Space Mountain in Magic Kingdom. Disney also warns that riders should be free from high blood pressure or any heart, back, or neck problems to ride.
3. Ride Vehicles and Restraints
The Test Track ride vehicles consist of individual cars seating 6 passengers in 2 rows of 3 – each with their own seat belt. It should also be noted that this is a great attraction for single-riders. Because this ride is boarded in rows of 3, there is plenty of opportunity to fill in the third seat for the many parties of 2 riding this attraction.
4. How Does Test Track Work?
Test Track works like a standard dark ride in which the cars are moved through a predetermined track. What makes this ride unique, however, is the fact that the cars do stop, maneuver, and accelerate briefly to a top speed of 65 miles per hour.

5. Is Test Track Scary?
Test Track is not scary but is certainly a fairly thrilling ride. There are a few moments of mild peril – as you’re essentially playing the role of a crash dummy. The ride makes you believe that the car will crash on a couple of occasions by sending you through tight maneuvers, creating a “near-miss” simulation with an 18-wheeler, and finally hurtling you towards a wall – only for it to open up at the last minute.
With the ride’s redesign in 2012, however, your surroundings are much less lifelike, and the hills, trees, roads, and other props are all neon-lit as if you’re in a virtual test rather than a physical one. This takes the peril down a notch but the ride still manages to give you a pretty immersive experience.
6. How High is Test Track?
Test Track does not technically involve heights, as the cars remain on the track and close to the ground at all times. It should be noted that the outdoor track (at the climax of the ride, when the car is at its top speed) is located at the top of the building. However, in my experience, it feels a lot like zooming down an elevated freeway – which is something most guests probably did on their way to the parks that morning.
7. How Fast is Test Track?
Test Track is technically the fastest ride in Disney World, reaching a top speed of 60 miles per hour. While this is technically a bit faster than its runner-up, Rock n Roller Coaster, this attraction is decidedly much less intense than most coasters in the park. The ride’s climax sends your vehicle around the outdoor track at top speed (lasting about 40 seconds). However, as I mentioned before, you’re not going any faster than you probably drove this morning getting to the parks. The fact that the ride vehicles are actual cars with seatbelts, makes the thrill even less impactful, in my opinion.
Regardless, the ride does go fast, and if you or someone in your party are especially averse to high speeds, you may want to take a moment to consider this one. I just wanted to emphasize that the “fastest” ride in Disney World is not nearly as intense as it sounds.
8. Does Test Track Have Drops?
Test Track does not have drops. However, it does involve some tight maneuvers, turns, and jerky movements along its track.
9. Does Test Track Cause Motion Sickness?
Test Track should not cause motion sickness for most riders.
10. Is Test Track Claustrophobic?
Test Track should not feel claustrophobic for most riders. While it does have a fairly standard ride duration and involves being strapped in with a seatbelt, this ride’s quick pacing and thrill elements certainly make it feel less confining. In addition, the indoor part of the track is styled in a way that feels pretty spacious and open.
11. Are There Animatronics on Test Track?
There are no animatronics on Test Track.

Test Track Queue Walkthrough
The queue entrance is located outside in the World Discovery section of Epcot. The line takes you through a fairly open indoor area with screens and high-tech theming throughout. You’ll wind through a few hallways before making your way into an interactive “studio” where you’ll design your test vehicle. While some riders may feel that this line is a bit claustrophobic, the interactive queue elements and theming may distract from that.
From there, you’ll make your way through a few more hallways and ramps before finally finding yourself at the loading station.
Test Track Ride Walkthrough
As the ride sets off, you’ll slightly accelerate up a hill with screens on all sides of you. You’ll wind gently around the track as the systems calibrate and then will accelerate forward briefly to “test” how your vehicle performs under “challenging weather conditions.” You’ll make some tight turns and accelerations around the neon landscape before your results are displayed on a screen and your car goes through a series of scanners.
The next sequence is your vehicle’s “responsiveness test” where you’ll accelerate through a series of tight turns, enter a tunnel, and have a “near-miss” with an 18-wheeler before swerving out of the way.
The final test is for “crash avoidance.” Your vehicle will come to a full stop, and the rings above you will light up (much like Slinky Dog Dash‘s mid-ride launch) before hurtling you towards what appears to be a solid wall. The doors slide open at the last second and you’ll find yourself on the outdoor track, gathering speed before taking your last turn at the ride’s top speed of 60 miles per hour. With that, you’ll decelerate and find yourself back at the loading station.
That’s it! Remember, everyone’s riding experience is a little bit different and only you can decide whether to hop on that ride vehicle or not. I just hope this guide helps you be prepared and enjoy every second of your Disney experience!
So what do you think? How scary is Test Track? Leave a comment to help keep this guide up to date!
For a full visual of the ride and queue, be sure to check out this video from 4K WDW: