At a Glance
Duration: 4 minutes, 23 seconds
Look Out For: motion sickness, claustrophobia, moderate peril, and sensory overload
Opening on January 9th, 1987, Star Tours is a classic simulator ride that throws you right into the action in a galaxy far, far away. But how scary is Star Tours? Let’s take a look at the ratings:

1. Ride Length
Star Tours has a ride duration of 4 minutes and 23 seconds. With hundreds of ride variations and possibilities, the run time remains around 4 and a half minutes each time.
2. Height Requirement and Warnings
Star Tours has a height requirement of 40 inches. In addition, pregnant riders and those with high blood pressure, as well as those with heart, back, or neck problems should not ride.
3. Ride Vehicles and Restraints
The Star Tours ride vehicles consist of a basic simulator seating 40 passengers in 5 rows of 8. Each guest gets their own seatbelt and are seated very close together – making this ride feel extremely warm and stuffy at full capacity.
4. How Does Star Tours Work?
Star Tours works like a standard mall simulator – thrusting its passengers up, down, and side to side (often roughly). What makes this attraction unique are the hundreds of ride possibilities due to various segments that mix and match. Like Tower of Terror, every ride is randomized and you could get any combination of the many possible segments on the ride.
Touring Plans has a great article listing out all known ride variations – check it out here!

5. Is Star Tours Scary?
Star Tours is not intentionally scary, but is still a very thrilling (and rough) ride that sometimes lends itself to sensory overload. Regardless of the variation you get, there are loud noises, flashing lights, jerky movements, villainous characters, and significant peril throughout the ride.
When I rode it a couple of months ago, I was really surprised at how intense it was. Having not ridden it in years, I told my husband that Star Tours would feel like a dinky mall simulator compared to the newer, bigger rides like Rise of the Resistance and Smugglers Run. I was wrong. While certainly not as technologically advanced as other rides, this attraction still packs in the action with some vibrant visuals, energetic movement, and (of course) its amazing soundtrack.
It should also be noted that the ride will definitely change depending on who you’re riding with. For example, last time we rode with a cabin full of excited kids and – with the screaming amplified in the small space – my husband and I both felt overwhelmed by the time we got off. Just be aware of this if you or someone in your party is prone to sensory sensitivity of any kind.
6. How High is Star Tours?
Star Tours does not technically involve heights. However, as a Star Wars-themed simulator, you often find yourself “airborne” – flying over various planets and through deep space. In my opinion, the flight scenes are not nearly as impactful as – say, Soarin’ or Flight of Passage – due to the smaller screen and fast-paced action of this ride.
7. How Fast is Star Tours?
Star Tours does not technically go fast. As a stationary simulator, the ride certainly makes you feel like you’re zooming through fantastic landscapes, but is actually just moving you up and down and side to side at all times.
8. Does Star Tours Have Drops?
Star Tours does not technically have drops. However, the ride does simulate many thrilling maneuvers regardless of which variation you get – many of which involve drops.
9. Does Star Tours Cause Motion Sickness?
Star Tours causes motion sickness for many riders. Due to it’s rapidly moving visuals, rough movement, and stuffy interior, this attraction is one of the worst for motion sickness. In fact, my husband (who feels sick after most simulator rides) felt awful after this one. Besides Mission: Space in Epcot – this one had the biggest impact on him.
10. Is Star Tours Claustrophobic?
Star Tours is extremely claustrophobic. While the ride vehicles – seating up to 40 passengers – may seem fairly spacious to some, the cabin feels very confining. Aside from there being limited air flow, the seats are very close together, making for a hot and stuffy ride. In my opinion – this attraction, Tower of Terror, and Mission: Space are easily the most claustrophobic in Walt Disney World. Do you agree? Let me know in the comments!
11. Are There Animatronics on Star Tours ?
There is an advanced animatronic of C-3PO on Star Tours. While he is definitely a friendly face and beloved character, many could consider this animatronic to be a little too close for comfort. Located at the very front of the ride vehicle to the left of the screen, those sitting in the front row will be almost within arms reach of him. If you or someone in your party is extremely averse to animatronics, you may may want to be prepared for this.
In addition to the ride, there are also animatronics of R2D2 and a couple other droids in the queue – though they are not nearly as in-your-face or close to you.

Star Tours Queue Walkthrough
The queue entrance is located outside on the far left side of Hollywood Studios and takes you through a shady outdoor area designed to look like the forests of Endor. You’ll pass under the legs of a huge imperial walker before making your way inside.
From there, the line winds through a large windowless area where you’ll find some amazing theming as well as animatronics of a silver protocol droid, R2D2, and a couple of other worker droids along the way. The line will take you up several ramps and hallways until you reach the loading station.
This ride loads much like a theater attraction and you will be led into various rows as you prepare to board the simulator.
Star Tours Ride Walkthrough
The ride will begin after everyone buckles in and the cast member gives their safety spiel. C-3PO will flash up on the screen exclaiming that the “captain isn’t on board yet” before the walls open to reveal the screen with our golden friend in the pilot’s seat.
While your ride experience could be one of hundreds of variations, each one includes explosions, gunfire, villainous characters, and crash landings. Unfortunately, this is definitely a ride where you’ll just have to expect the unexpected – but again, be sure to check out Touring Plans‘ great article on all known segment possibilities here! That will at least give you an idea of what you’re in for.
That’s it! Remember, everyone’s riding experience is a little bit different and only you can decide whether to hop on that ride vehicle or not – I just hope this guide helps you be prepared and enjoy every second of your Disney experience!
So what do you think? How scary is Star Tours? Leave a comment to help keep this guide up to date!
For a full visual of the ride and queue, be sure to check out this video from 4K WDW: